Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Ups And Downs Of Skydiving

Many of us are uneasy at the thought of flying on holiday in an enclosed aeroplane. Just imagine what it must feel like to throw yourself out of a plane from several thousand feet up, and enjoy the feeling of freefalling through the air at over a hundred miles an hour until you open your parachute.

Welcome to the terrifying and exhilarating world of skydiving.

An Introduction To Skydiving

People take up skydiving for many different reasons. Some people have always wanted to try it, and once they have that first taste of what it feels like, they’re hooked for life and it becomes their hobby.

Others are terrified at the mere thought of jumping out of an aeroplane – at any height from the ground – but they decide to do it just once in the aid of charity. Still more are given activity vouchers for their birthday or for Christmas, and decide to do something they probably would never do otherwise.

However people come to the sport of skydiving, they can do it in one of two ways once they find the courage to go through with it.

On Your Own – Or With Help?

For the less brave among us there is the opportunity to go tandem skydiving. This removes the need to know exactly what to do during the dive.

The person is strapped to an instructor for the experience, and although they can have a go at controlling the parachute once it is opened, it’s possible to just enjoy the whole dive without having to worry about what to do.

This is a popular way to begin skydiving, as it is an opportunity to find out what to expect - without having the scary responsibility of getting yourself safely back down to earth!

For the more confident, or for those who have tried a tandem jump already, solo skydiving is the order of the day. A detailed training course will provide the skills needed to complete the jump successfully.

Once they’ve made their first jump, some people take up the sport as a hobby. Skydiving gives you a big adrenalin rush, and contrary to what others might think it can actually be a big stress reliever. It certainly takes your mind off other things when you’re falling from an aeroplane – especially before you open your parachute.

So if you’re looking for a hobby with a difference, why not consider skydiving? You never know, you might just enjoy it…

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